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alle 16:50 - 30 Luglio 2006 - Letture: 3265 | Voti: 46% (500 tot.)
ed ecco la nuova versione del pi? famoso client irc per windows!
Il "salto" dalla versione 6.17 alla versione 6.2 fa pensare a grandi novit?...analizzando il changelog troviamo 124 voci, forse la principale ? l'aggiunta del comando /toolbar che permette di gestire appunto le toolbar
Download qui
ecco di seguito il changelog di questa versione:
1.Undid changes that made the display smoother since slower computers
where unable to cope. The display now flickers a bit as in previous
2.Changed mark/copy behaviour so that it works like it did in previous
3.Fixed various $regsubex() bugs.
4.Fixed switchbar not displaying at least first character of a window
name when ellipses are appended.
5.Extended /did to support a long list of ids as opposed to only up
to 256 characters.
6.Fixed agent speech being interrupted when Options dialog is closed.
7.The Channel/Message beep settings in Options/Sounds are now applied
to all windows when the Options dialog is closed.
8.Fixed bug with Control+F find dialog in desktop windows.
9.Fixed bug with active window not being internally set correctly in
some situations.
10.Fixed /window -t width measurements being smaller then previous
versions, changed back for compatibility.
11.Fixed /localinfo incorrectly displaying DNS messages.
12.Extended /drawpic -gN switch, where N = 1 for small icon, 2 for
large icon, and 3 for actual icon.
13.Changed $findfile() so that it works as fast as in past versions
if the new semi-colon feature is not used. The semi-colon feature
is now also somewhat faster.
14.Fixed change in / commandline parsing behaviour.
15.Fixed text measurement bug which was affecting /drawtext, $height(),
$width(), and $wrap().
16.Fixed Control+K bug in channel central topic when clicking on color
dialog to insert a color number.
17.Fixed $longip() bug.
18.Fixed UTF-8 bug when parsing notice, privmsg, and other commands
that contained comma-separated nicks as the target.
19.Fixed SSL security dialog display bug when using /sockopen and SSL.
20.Added $sock().addr which displays original named address if one was
used, and /socklist now also displays the named address.
21.Fixed /names list display being truncated when a UHNAMES list is
returned with full addresses.
22.Fixed SSL gpf bugs related to threading issues.
23.Fixed auto-hide nicklist not hiding when mouse is moved outside of
the channel window.
24.Added /clearall -a switch, applies to window on all connections.
25.Added /timer -d switch, ensures that a timer and any subsequent
timers using the -d switch are triggered in that order.
26.Fixed $iel()/$iil() bugs.
27.Changed $me in on NICK messages so that it refers to your old nick
as in previous versions.
28.Fixed bug in /dde connect parsing.
29.Fixed decrease in picture @window display speed.
30.Copying text from both a UTF-8 "display" or "encode" enabled window
now copies the text as unicode to the clipboard.
31.Fixed /filter color bug when filtering text windows.
32.Fixed bug relating to the order in which SJIS/JIS and UTF-8
encodings are applied when both options are enabled.
33.Fixed $regsub() parsing bug.
34.The $rawmsg identifier now works in the on CHAT event.
35.Fixed flood protection bug, was UTF-8/SJIS/JIS double-encoding text
that was queued.
36.Fixed switchbar button text color bug.
37.Channel Folder now shows channel description alongside channel name.
38.Fixed horizontal scrollbar being too long in all listbox windows
in mIRC.
39.Fixed an old bug in the /flush command not parsing the -l switch
40.Added $did().isid property, returns $true or $false depending on
whether the specified id exists in the dialog.
41.Added custom dialog listbox property "radio", creates listbox
of radioboxes.
42.Pressing spacebar in custom dialog listbox of checkboxes now checks
or unchecks all selected items.
43.Fixed spacebar not working in mIRC Options dialog treelist.
44.Added "Match only whole words" option to Agents Lexicon dialog.
45.Added $editbox().selstart/selend properties, return start and end of
selection in editbox, and /editbox -bNeN, set the start and end
of the selection.
46.Added on TABCOMP event, triggers when a user presses the TAB key in
an editbox and mIRC is about to perform tab completion. Halting the
event prevents mIRC's default tab completion.
on *:TABCOMP:<*#?=!@>:echo event: $event target: $target line: $1-
47.Can now specify a range of ids in on dialog events using a dash, eg.
on 1:dialog:name:event:1-5,6,7-8,9-11,10: { ... }
48.Fixed multibyte editbox cursor display bug when switching between
49.Tabbing into the editbox in the Editor dialog no longer selects all
text in the editbox.
50.Fixed old bug in users list IP address/wildcard matching in remote
51.Fixed /drawscroll bug.
52.Fixed switchbar button hottracking display bug.
53.Fixed an empty $calc() halting a script with no error message.
54.Changed behaviour of Recent Channels menu in favorites so that it
is now network-based as opposed to server-based, ie. if you have
several connections open to the same network, the Recent Channels
list is shared between them.
55.Added custom dialog icon options, can now specify small, large, or
actual in icon dialog definition.
56.The on ^HOTLINK event now triggers on right-click, use $mouse.key
to check for right mouse button.
57.Added /run -h switch to hide the application being run.
58.Fixed bug in /drawtext -bp where -b was not being parsed correctly
with the -p switch.
59.Added support for UTF-8 display font substitution/linking, option
enabled by default in IRC/Messages dialog, should allow mIRC to
display all characters regardless of the font you are using,
assuming you have the required fonts on your system.
60.Fixed UTF-8/Multibyte text-wrapping display bug.
61.The $regml() identifier can now be used inside $regsubex().
62.Fixed /font -z not affecting custom @windows.
63.Added $activewid, $lactivewid, and $leftwinwid identifiers.
64.Channels Folder now displays UTF-8 channel names and desciptions
65.Fixed window listboxes display bug with horizontal scrolling.
66.Pressing Control+A in the URLs list and in custom @window listboxes
now selects all items.
67.Fixed /scon /scid display bug when invalid id is used.
68.Fixed font dialog not setting font for minimized windows.
69.Custom DLLs are now delay-unloaded to allow subclassing DLLs to
work better. The UnloadDLL routine is still called at the same
point as before.
70.Script editor now has minimize/maximize buttons.
71.Pressing spacebar in the Lock dialog checkbox list now correctly
checks/unchecks an item.
72.The toolbar can now be repositioned to top/bottom/left/right of
main mIRC window.
73.Fixed Control+Break handling in scripts.
74.Added /loadbuf -a switch to load text into active window.
75.The $com() identifier now uses utf8 internally and the .result
property now returns utf8 text, when necessary.
76.Added $cb(N,u) option, returns utf8 text.
77.Fixed /splay not handling
etwork directory format.
78.Fixed nick/url/etc. right-click popup menu not working if text in
window scrolled while popup menu was visible.
79.Fixed installer default folder bug under xp64.
80.Updated library to PCRE v6.6, which supports limiting the regex
recursion depth. This prevent gpfs caused by runaway expressions.
81.Fixed /drawcopy -n not updating window when no parameters are used.
82.Fixed /sockread -nf bug, switches were not being parsed correctly.
83.Buttons in top/bottom position switchbar are now wider by default.
84.Fixed bug in Options dialog. When there were many channel/query/etc.
windows open the Options dialog would take a long time to close.
85.Fixed focusing bug when using Alt+N to switch to Nth window right
after a window opened in a minimized state.
86.Fixed $sfile() bug with some file name formats.
87.Extended $os to handle Vista.
88.Fixed bug in popup menu parsing when text contained { character.
89.Invisible mode connect option is now enabled by default.
90.Added a Treebar which lists connections and open windows, much like
the switchbar. It behaves like the switchbar in many ways as well,
eg. Shift/Control + left-click support, icon blinking, etc. and
uses various switchbar settings in the Options/Dialog.
Right-clicking on an item pops up the usual system menu for that
window. Right-clicking in an empty area of the treebar pops up a
menu with various display options.
The treebar width can be set by dragging the border with the mouse,
and the background and text colors can be set in the colors dialog.
91.The right-click popup menus for the Toolbar/Switchbar now offer
options that were removed from the Options/Display dialog. The
Switchbar can now be resized by dragging the border of the bar
with the mouse.
92.Fixed right-click popup menu bug where menus were being wrongly
displayed when clicking on window borders.
93.Fixed switchbar display bug when scrolling with mousewheel.
94.Fixed regex bug which was truncating long results instead of
returning a string too long error.
95.Fixed /server gpf bug with long parameters.
96.Added /window -D switch, allows toggling of desktop/mdi setting
for custom @windows via system menu.
97.Added $fline().text property.
98.Added /exit -nr switches, -n disables confirmation dialogs, and
-r restarts mIRC.
99.Extended /window -nN switch, if N = 2, minimizes window without
auto-expanding its item in the treebar.
100.Fixed / and /! not being treated as text with Control+Enter.
101.Added Up/Down sort buttons for Options/DCC/Folders dialog to set
order of matching.
102.Added "Minimize mIRC on close" option to Display/Windows dialog.
103.The Reload logs feature in the logging dialog can now be set
separately for channels and chats.
104.Fixed bug in the Line colors feature in the logging dialog, the
default line color is now reset correctly if colors are used in
the line.
105.Fixed minimize option in DCC Send dialog not being applied
immediately to current dcc send.
106.Added vertical tile option to toolbar and window menu, and to
auto tile section in Window/Group dialog.
107.Added /abook -wncl switches, open the different tabs in the
address book dialog.
108.Added "Preserve nicks" feature to Connect/Options dialog. If
enabled, mIRC will use /tnick internally to ensure that your
nicknames in the Connect dialog remain static. Also added /mnick
command to change your main nickname.
109.Added "Include desktop windows" to the Display dialog. If
disabled, desktop windows are not displayed in the switchbar.
110.Extended /window -wN switch, where 0 = hide from switchbar/treebar,
1 = show in switchbar, 2 = show in treebar, 3 = show in both.
111.Fixed hotlinks not handling nicknames with multiple prefixes.
112.Default colors are now stored internally in mIRC and are written
to mirc.ini if no colors are found.
113.Default wav/mid/etc. dcc folder item is now only re-created if no
extensions section is found in mirc.ini.
114.Extended SendMessage() support. The lParam value can now be used
to create a uniquely named mapped file. Where lParam = N, the
mapped filename is mIRCN. If lParam is zero, the filename is mIRC,
as in previous versions.
115.Added "Auto" option to Switchbar lines setting in Options/Display
dialog. Auto-expands switchbar as number of buttons changes when
switchbar is in top/bottom position.
116.Added "Multi-line toolbar" option to Options/Display dialog.
117.Added /toolbar command, allows modification of toolbar buttons.
/toolbar -aidmsxkNnNzNebwhyNurctplor [N] <name/N> <tooltip>
<picfile|@> [x y w h] [/alias] [popfile|@]
-a = add button
-i = insert button at position [N]
-d = delete button at position [N] or <name>
-m = move button <name/N> to position [N]
-s = separator
-x = wide button
-kN = use when adding button to make it a check button
check/uncheck with N = 1 or N = 0
-nN = icon index in picfile
-zN = icon size, 1 = small, 2 = large, 3 = actual
-eb = enable/disable button [N] or <name>
-wh = show/hide button [N] or <name>
-yN = set transparency (0 to 255) for button [N] or <name>
-u = update display immediately
-r = reset buttons
-c = clear all buttons
To update properties for an existing button:
-t = tooltip
-p = picfile
-l = alias
-o = popup
name = unique name assigned to button/separator, it cannot be
a number
tooltip = text displayed when the mouse hovers over button
picfile|@ = picture filename or picture @window
min 16x16, max 256x256 pixels
x y w h = position in bitmap and size of bitmap to use
not for use with icons
/alias = command performed when button pressed, $!1 = name
popupfile|@ = popup filename or @menu name
The tooltip, picfile, alias and popup can be enclosed in quotes
if necessary. To clear an item use "" empty quotes.
$toolbar(name/N), if N = 0 returns number of buttons
Properties: name,type,tip,alias,popup,width,height,wide,
Note: modifying some of the default mIRC buttons, such as Connect,
Notify, etc. may not always work since they are managed by mIRC.
They can however be deleted.
118.Fixed /signal -n bug, was allowing $? dialog in server event.
119.Fixed /!.var conversion to /set -l, was not using the !. prefixes.
120.mIRC now stores a [success] section in servers.ini that lists
servers that were connected to successfully. When you later
connect to a server group, the success list is used to prioritize
server connection attempts. "Clear History" via the servers list
popup menu clears this list.
121.Fixed various multi-monitor right-click mouse button bugs.
122.Added /help and /winhelp support for .chm files.
123.Added aline/iline/sline/etc. -t switch, forces a re-wrap of all
lines in a window that have not yet been wrapped to the current
window size.
124.Toolbar disconnect confirmation feature now displays a question
mark on the disconnect button when you try to disconnect.
purtroppo ? in inglese, provvederemo presto alla traduzione del client e all'inserimento delle nuove funzioni nella guida!!!